Transforming Sudan: The impact of Lulu Tech Advanced technology

  • Lulu Tech aims to drive significant transformation in Sudan by addressing critical gaps in the country’s digital landscape.
  • The company focuses on several key areas to drive transformation and support economic development in the region.

Its goals

Enhancing connectivity: Lulu Tech is committed to expanding and upgrading Sudan’s telecommunications infrastructure. By improving network coverage and implementing advanced technologies such as 4G, they are bridging the connectivity divide in underserved regions.

Promoting financial inclusion: Another key goal is to advance financial inclusion through innovative digital payment solutions. Lulu Tech is working to make banking and financial services more accessible to a broader segment of the population.

Fostering economic growth: Through technology integration in various sectors, including agriculture and education, Lulu Tech aims to boost productivity and economic development in Sudan. Their efforts are geared towards creating a more robust and resilient economy.

Its services

Telecommunications solutions: The company provides network expansion services, upgrading existing infrastructure to support higher data speeds and more reliable connectivity. This includes rolling out 4G technology and laying the groundwork for future advancements.

Digital payment systems: Lulu Tech offers mobile banking services and e-wallet solutions, which facilitate secure and convenient financial transactions. These services are crucial for individuals who lack access to traditional banking facilities.

Technology integration: In agriculture, Lulu Tech introduces precision farming technologies that help optimise crop yields and resource use. In education, their digital tools and e-learning platforms enhance access to modern educational resources, benefiting students across the nation.

Partnerships and collaborations: The company engages in public-private partnerships and collaborates with local startups. These efforts support innovation and development within the local tech ecosystem, contributing to broader economic and social advancements.

About Lulu Tech

Lulu Tech, founded in 2008, is a key technology company in Sudan focused on advancing the country’s digital and telecommunications infrastructure. The company aims to enhance connectivity by expanding and upgrading network services, including implementing advanced technologies like 4G. Lulu Tech also plays a significant role in financial inclusion with its mobile banking and e-wallet solutions, making transactions more accessible and secure.


Tacy Ding

Tacy Ding is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering network. She is studying at Zhejiang Gongshang University. Send tips to

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