Thailand’s NBTC faces challenges amid telecommunications industry turmoil

  • Complaints about poor network quality and higher costs in Thailand’s telecom sector have led to NBTC facing increased scrutiny following the True and Dtac merger.
  • The NBTC is tasked with producing a detailed report on the impacts of the merger, focusing on network quality and pricing.
  • Despite ambitions to lead ASEAN in regulatory efficiency, the NBTC must effectively enhance its strategies to address consumer concerns and market dynamics.

Regulatory scrutiny and consumer concerns

Amidst growing concerns over declining network quality and rising prices in Thailand’s telecommunications sector, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is under scrutiny. Recent complaints have emerged following the merger of major telecom operators True and Dtac, prompting the NBTC to reassess its regulatory strategies and report on the merger’s impact within a week.

This directive comes from the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC), which cited a survey from the Consumer Protection Board indicating that consumers are now paying more for less. For instance, the cost of a basic mobile package has escalated from 349 baht to 399 baht, with internet speeds deteriorating concurrently. Additionally, the number of free call minutes in certain packages has been reduced, exacerbating consumer frustrations with the quality of network services.

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Assessing the impact of mergers

Pirongrong Ramasoota, an NBTC commissioner responsible for broadcasting, highlighted the commission’s upcoming detailed report on network quality and pricing. She noted that the NBTC board would review this report before making a public clarification.

Suphat Suphachalasai, another NBTC commissioner focusing on economics, discussed the complexity of comparing prices due to varied services and calculation methods across different agencies. He also mentioned an impending telecommunication price index, expected to be completed by the end of the second quarter, designed to standardize price assessments across the industry.

The 15th International Telecommunication Society, Asia-Pacific Regional Conference

Strategic goals and future directions

The NBTC, with a vision to be a leading ASEAN organization in regulating and developing the communication business for sustainable national development, faces significant challenges. Its mission includes supporting spectrum management and the licensing and regulation of broadcasting and telecommunications with efficiency, transparency, and a good reputation.

Despite setting stringent conditions before approving the aforementioned merger, including a mandate to reduce service fees by 12%, the NBTC’s effectiveness in protecting consumers has been questioned. The NESDC has advised revising merger measures, such as setting price ceilings and supporting new market entrants to foster competition.

The telecom sector is at a critical juncture, with the need for robust regulation to balance market consolidation and consumer rights. Innovations such as enhanced mobile broadband, Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, and 5G deployment are reshaping the industry landscape, offering new opportunities but also presenting fresh challenges in terms of service quality and fair pricing.

As the NBTC strives to align its regulatory framework with its lofty goals and the rapid technological advancements within the sector, it remains to be seen how effectively it can navigate these turbulent waters and safeguard the interests of Thai consumers.

About the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)

The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) of Thailand plays a pivotal role in the regulatory framework of the country’s communications industry. Anchored by a visionary goal, the NBTC aspires to be a leading entity within ASEAN, dedicated to the regulation and development of the communication business to foster sustainable national growth.


Iris Deng

Iris Deng, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Fintech and Blockchain. She is studying English at Hangzhou Dianzi University. Send tips to

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