SCPT director general reviews operations in Likasi, Haut-Katanga

  • The SCPT Director General visited Likasi to assess local operations and address staff concerns as part of a broader regional mission.
  • The ongoing mission in Grand Katanga aims to revitalise SCPT’s administrative and financial systems.

The Director General of the Societe Congolaise des Postes et Telecommunications (SCPT) continues her revitalisation mission across Grand Katanga, with a recent stop in Likasi to evaluate and improve local operations.

Inspection at SCPT Likasi

On July 26, 2024, the SCPT Director General arrived in Likasi, Haut-Katanga, as part of her ongoing mission in the Grand Katanga region. This visit followed her earlier stop in Kolwezi, where she met with the president of the Lualaba Provincial Assembly. During her visit to Likasi, the Director General held a one-on-one meeting with Mr Mathias Mukalayi, the SCPT representative in the city, to discuss local challenges and assess the state of the SCPT facilities.

The Director General’s visit aimed to evaluate the administrative and financial operations of the SCPT in the region and to review ongoing legal matters while reorganising services. Despite the efforts made, she noted that the objectives set for the company had not yet been fully achieved. However, she assured the staff that their concerns were heard and would be addressed in the coming days.

“The revitalisation campaign initiated by the Director General requires the involvement and contribution of everyone—from the highest executive to the last employee. Only by working together can we achieve satisfactory results.”

SCPT director general

About SCPT

The SCPT is the national postal and telecommunications provider in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The company plays a crucial role in connecting the nation through its postal and telecommunication services, serving both urban and rural areas. The SCPT is committed to modernising its operations and infrastructure to better serve the Congolese population and support the country’s economic development.


Jasmine Zhang

Jasmine Zhang is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Fintech. She graduated from Kunming University of Science and Technology. Send tips to

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