ISPA-DRC: Shaping internet policy and promoting digital growth in Congo

  • ISPA-DRC unites internet service providers to advance the ICT sector in the DRC.
  • The association promotes regulatory initiatives to expand internet access and boost productivity.

The Internet Service Provider Association of the Democratic Republic of Congo (ISPA-DRC) is a key player in the nation’s digital transformation. By bringing together the country’s ISPs, ISPA-DRC fosters collaboration, advocates for favorable regulations, and works to improve internet infrastructure, making connectivity more accessible to all.

Driving Collaboration and Advocacy

ISPA-DRC promotes cooperation among internet service providers, encouraging the sharing of knowledge and resources for better connectivity. It also actively engages with government bodies, advocating for regulations that drive industry growth and modern Information and Communications Technology (ICT) policies. This collaborative approach enables ISPA-DRC to support both local and international initiatives, ensuring that Congolese ISPs remain competitive and up-to-date with global standards.

“Our mission is to ensure that every citizen has access to reliable internet services, empowering communities and fostering national development.”

Laurent Ntumba, President of ISPA-DRC

Expanding Access and Supporting Local Content

One of the key missions of ISPA-DRC is to democratise internet access across the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation is dedicated to improving local internet infrastructure and interconnection between ISPs, while also advocating for the inclusion of local languages and content on the internet. By promoting these initiatives, ISPA-DRC is not only helping to bridge the digital divide but also encouraging socio-economic development across the country.


Jasmine Zhang

Jasmine Zhang is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Fintech. She graduated from Kunming University of Science and Technology. Send tips to

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