Google’s cyber battlefront: A dive into digital defence

  • · APrIGF Day 1 features a live screening of Google’s HACKING GOOGLE documentary episode, “Detection and Response.”
  • · Engage with Heather Adkins, Google’s Cybersecurity Resilience Officer, during a live Q&A on the evolving landscape of online security.

Seeing the faces and hearing the stories of those who stand between us and potential disaster makes the importance of this work hit home in a way that statistics and headlines never could. It’s personal because it’s about protecting what matters most to us: our privacy, our security, our peace of mind. This session feels like an essential experience, not just for tech enthusiasts, but for anyone who wants to understand how their digital world is kept secure—and why it matters so much.
Doris Du, BTW reporter

Step into the heart of Google’s cybersecurity operations with an exclusive lunchtime event that offers both an inside look at their defence mechanisms and a chance to engage directly with one of the tech giant’s top security experts.

What happened

On August 21, 2024, an insightful lunchtime event is set to showcase Google’s frontline defences against cyber threats. Attendees will be treated to a screening of the “Detection and Response” episode from the documentary series HACKING GOOGLE. This episode provides a unique behind-the-scenes perspective on how Google’s Detection and Response Team thwarted a 2021 cyberattack, swiftly isolating and removing the threat before it could escalate.

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Why it’s important

This event highlights the growing significance of robust cybersecurity in an era where digital threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated. By exposing how one of the world’s leading tech companies manages its defences, participants gain valuable insights into industry best practices and the evolving landscape of online safety. Heather Adkins, a key player in Google’s security team, will offer her expertise, addressing not only the current challenges but also the ethical considerations in building AI-driven security systems responsibly.

Personal opinion

In a world where our digital footprints are as real as our physical ones, the need to protect them feels deeply personal. We trust technology with our most private moments, our financial security, and even our identities. But behind every screen, there’s a battleground where dedicated individuals like Heather Adkins and her team are fighting to keep our online lives safe. Watching the HACKING GOOGLE documentary isn’t just about seeing how a tech giant defends itself; it’s about realising that these defences are what keep us all safe. This event is a reminder that cybersecurity is not some distant, abstract concept—it’s a shield that guards our everyday lives.


Doris Du

Doris Du is a reporter at BTW Media. She graduated with a master's degree in Translating and Interpreting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Send tips to

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