GECAMINES aligns with the new ministerial vision for growth

  • Minister Jean Lucien Bussa meets with GECAMINES Board to set new strategic direction.
  • Focus on overcoming operational challenges and enhancing state governance in mining.

On 24 June 2024, Congo’s new Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Jean Lucien Bussa, held a crucial meeting with the Board of Directors of GÉCAMINES SA (La Générale des Carrières et des Mines). The discussions centred on redefining the company’s strategic direction to align with the government’s vision for the mining sector and addressing key challenges faced by the company.

Minister Bussa’s strategic consultation with GECAMINES

On Monday, 24 June 2024, Jean Lucien Bussa, the recently appointed Minister in charge of State-Owned Enterprises in the Democratic Republic of Congo, engaged in an important consultation with the Board of Directors of GÉCAMINES SA, one of the largest state-owned mining companies. The meeting, held less than 100 days after the new government took office, aimed to establish a fresh strategic direction for GÉCAMINES and inject new dynamism into its operations.

During the consultation, the Board of GÉCAMINES, led by Chairman Guy Robert Lukama Nkunzi, outlined the various challenges the company faces in its daily management. Minister Bussa conveyed his commitment to actively support GÉCAMINES, ensuring that the government, as a shareholder, would work closely with the company to address these challenges. The alignment between the government’s vision and GÉCAMINES’ operational goals was emphasised, with both parties expressing optimism about the future.

“We are pleased with the Minister’s determination to be involved. The shareholder’s presence and support will help us address the challenges we face, and together, we can create value for the Congolese state.”

Guy Robert Lukama Nkunzi, Chairman of GÉCAMINES


GÉCAMINES SA is a key player in the mining industry of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Focused on exploration, research, and mining operations in the Katanga region, GÉCAMINES has been a significant contributor to the national economy. The company is committed to improving governance and creating value for the state, as it navigates the complexities of the mining sector under the new government’s strategic framework. GÉCAMINES’ leadership is determined to align its operations with the broader goals set by Minister Bussa, ensuring sustainable growth and efficiency.


Jasmine Zhang

Jasmine Zhang is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Fintech. She graduated from Kunming University of Science and Technology. Send tips to

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