Chief Telecom’s innovative strategies for securing and expanding in Asia-Pacific

  • Chief Telecom ramps up cybersecurity measures and cloud infrastructure to support growing demand.
  • New investments in data centres and partnerships boost Chief Telecom’s competitive edge in Asia-Pacific.

Chief Telecom, a prominent telecommunications provider in Taiwan, is actively enhancing its cybersecurity protocols and cloud infrastructure to cater to the increasing demand for hybrid and multi-cloud solutions in the Asia-Pacific region. In an exclusive interview, Tim Chiang, Vice President of Chief Telecom, shared insights into the company’s strategic initiatives and vision for the future.

Interview Q&A

Q: In the face of increasing cybersecurity threats, what measures has Chief Telecom implemented to ensure the security and reliability of its services?

Tim Chiang: Chief Telecom has implemented several measures to strengthen the security and reliability of its services:

  1. Enhanced Network Design: We have incorporated security-related features such as SSL-VPN, OTP, WAF, IDS, IPS, and SIEM to mitigate cybersecurity risks.
  2. Information Security Standards: We leverage ISO27001, ISO27011, ISO27017, and ISO27018 information security management systems to build solid operational procedures. This helps us maintain high standards during external audits for ISO certifications.
  3. Cybersecurity Training: We frequently conduct internal and external cybersecurity training to enhance our employees’ skills. Additionally, we perform irregular social engineering drills, including email security tests, to improve employee security awareness.

Q2: How does Chief Telecom plan to expand its cloud infrastructure to support the growing demand for hybrid and multi-cloud solutions among enterprises in the Asia-Pacific region?

Tim Chiang: Our expansion strategy for cloud infrastructure includes several key initiatives:

  1. Collaboration with Global CSPs: We continue to work with global cloud service providers (CSPs) such as Google, AWS, Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle to enhance the Chief Cloud eXchange (CCX) platform in Taiwan and other Asia-Pacific regions like Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. This expansion supports the growing demand for hybrid and multi-cloud solutions among enterprise customers.
  2. Domestic Cloud Platform Expansion: We are expanding our domestic cloud platform and enhancing our cloud service portal to cater to customers who require domestic cloud solutions.
  3. Bare Metal Cloud (BMC) Services: We have teamed up with partners to provide BMC cloud services, covering 40 countries and 60 cities, which supports the increasing demand for hybrid and multi-cloud solutions.
  4. Investment in Data Centers: We recently invested NT$3.5 billion in the LY2 intelligent data center, designed to be a service node for global cloud and AI customers in the Asia-Pacific region. The LY2 supports both air cooling and liquid cooling, with power options ranging from 10KW to 150KW per rack. Since its launch in June 2024, the signed orders have already reached 80% of its designed capacity.

Q3: In the context of APrIGF 2024 discussions, how does Chief Telecom view its role in advancing network infrastructure and digital inclusion in the Asia-Pacific region?

Tim Chiang: Chief Telecom envisions itself as a digital convergence center and a hub for cloud and AI applications in the Asia-Pacific region. We are committed to advancing network infrastructure and promoting digital inclusion across the region to support the digital transformation initiatives.

Q4: How does Chief Telecom maintain a competitive edge in the highly competitive international network services market, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region?

Tim Chiang: To maintain our competitive edge, we focus on several strategic areas:

  1. Strategic Location Advantage: Taiwan’s location in the center of the Asia-Pacific region makes it an ideal location for service providers to establish regional service nodes, minimizing network latency.
  2. Diversified Customer Base: We target a diverse range of customers, including domestic telecom operators, foreign carriers, submarine cable operators, network service providers, internet service providers, content service providers, cloud service providers, AI application service providers, SaaS application providers, and cybersecurity service providers. This diversity allows us to enhance our IDC ecosystem and attract more customers due to the customer cluster effect and magnetic attraction effect.
  3. Expanding Internet Exchange Services: We continue to promote Taipei Internet eXchange (TPIX) services and collaborate with partners like JPIX, HKIX, EIX, AMS-IX, and DE-CIX to extend our Internet Exchange (IX) services across the Asia-Pacific region. As of August 15, 2024, TPIX has 181 members and ranks as the 78th largest IX globally according to the Hurricane Electric Internet Exchange Report.
  4. Network Bandwidth Expansion: We are expanding our network bandwidth in Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific region. We have completed fiber loops among our IDC campuses (LY, HD, LY2) and island-wide fiber loops across Taiwan to provide high-speed network access in major cities, industrial parks, and science parks. Additionally, we are expanding the network backbone of submarine cable bandwidth to Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Philippines. Currently, we have over 1200G of network bandwidth available for customer services in the region.

About Chief Telecom

Chief Telecom is a leading telecommunications company based in Taiwan, renowned for its innovative services in cloud computing, cybersecurity, and network infrastructure. With a strong foothold in the Asia-Pacific region, the company specialises in providing comprehensive solutions that cater to the diverse needs of enterprises, including hybrid and multi-cloud services. Chief Telecom is committed to driving digital inclusion and advancing network infrastructure, positioning itself as a pivotal player in the region’s digital transformation journey. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships, Chief Telecom continues to expand its service offerings and maintain a competitive edge in the fast-evolving global market.

Please stay tuned, as we will be releasing the full interview video and a article highlighting key insights from the conversation in the coming days, offering deeper perspectives on Chief Telecom’s strategies and vision for the future.

Personal Opinion

Tim Chiang’s insights provide a comprehensive overview of how Chief Telecom is navigating the evolving landscape of the telecommunications industry. Their approach to cybersecurity, cloud infrastructure expansion, and network enhancement demonstrates a proactive stance in meeting market demands and maintaining a competitive edge in the Asia-Pacific region.

Listening to Tim Chiang’s passion for innovation and commitment to digital inclusion is truly inspiring. As Chief Telecom strives to become a digital hub in the Asia-Pacific, it’s clear that their efforts go beyond just business growth; they aim to create a more connected, secure, and inclusive digital world. This vision resonates deeply with the everyday internet user who values both access and safety in the digital age.


Doris Du

Doris Du is a reporter at BTW Media. She graduated with a master's degree in Translating and Interpreting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Send tips to

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