Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale: Empowering Morocco through advanced geospatial technology

  • CRTS is a governmental institution dedicated to advancing the use of remote sensing and related technologies to support government agencies in managing socio-economic development projects.
  • The organisation provides satellite imagery, cartographic products, thematic maps, training, and technical assistance to both public and private sector entities.
  • International cooperation is a cornerstone of CRTS, enabling partnerships with global institutions and access to cutting-edge satellite systems.

The Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale (CRTS) stands as Morocco’s premier governmental institution focused on the development and application of remote sensing technologies. Its mission is to enhance the operational management of socio-economic development projects across the country by providing expert services in satellite imagery, geospatial data, and technical assistance. CRTS operates under four strategic pillars, including user support, data accessibility, capacity building, and research & development, to ensure that stakeholders can effectively utilize geospatial information.

Pioneering satellite imagery distribution and support

As the official distributor of optical and radar satellite imagery in Morocco, CRTS offers comprehensive services tailored to the needs of its clients. By leveraging its extensive database, satellite operator network, and national satellite system access (including Mohammed VI A&B), CRTS ensures the delivery of high-quality Earth observation products. These services include detailed client need analysis, expedited and cost-effective data access, and ongoing support in the implementation of Earth observation projects.

Innovating in cartographic and thematic products

CRTS specialises in creating value-added cartographic and thematic products derived from satellite imagery. These products serve a wide array of national and regional actors and are produced using advanced geospatial technologies, integrated data sources, and sophisticated processing algorithms. The centre offers a variety of scales and precision levels, catering to applications in natural resource management, urban planning, environmental monitoring, and marine and coastal resource management.

Capacity building through specialised training

Committed to enhancing national and regional geospatial competencies, CRTS provides a robust training program aimed at decision-makers, project managers, academics, and technicians. The training programs are highly practical, focusing on hands-on experience with satellite image processing and geographic information systems (GIS). Offerings include two annual cycles—Earth Observation and GIS—as well as customised thematic and technical modules.

Technical assistance in GIS implementation

CRTS offers its expertise in Earth observation, GIS, and geospatial database design to assist national institutions in the development and deployment of specialised GIS projects. This assistance covers key phases such as preliminary studies, the drafting of specific requirements documents, analysis of provider proposals, and the deployment of selected solutions. The goal is to ensure that GIS projects meet the strategic, organisational, functional, and technical needs of the institutions.

Through these diverse services and initiatives, CRTS plays a crucial role in supporting Morocco’s socio-economic development by empowering institutions with the tools and knowledge needed to harness the power of geospatial technology.

About Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale

The Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale (CRTS) is Morocco’s leading governmental body specializing in remote sensing technology applications for socio-economic development. It offers satellite imagery, geospatial data, and technical support under strategic pillars of user support, data access, capacity building, and R&D. As the official distributor of satellite imagery in Morocco, CRTS provides tailored services using its database and satellite system access, ensuring high-quality Earth observation products. The organization also innovates in cartographic and thematic products for various applications, builds capacity through specialized training, and offers technical assistance in GIS implementation for national institutions. CRTS’s diverse services empower stakeholders to effectively use geospatial information, playing a key role in Morocco’s development.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to z.zhu@btw.media.
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