ALAAN’s implementation of Huawei CloudFabric 3.0 autonomous driving network technology

  • ALAAN emphasises the importance of moving away from legacy systems and personnel to fully leverage cloud technology.
  • The ADN technology is designed to automatically translate service needs into network models through deep self-learning.

Networking is identified as a crucial element that provides interconnectivity across the datacentre. ALAAN has chosen Huawei CloudFabric 3.0 as their networking provider, which is an autonomous driving network (ADN) technology. This choice is made to address the increasing complexity of networks in cloud datacentres.

What is Huawei CloudFabric 3.0 autonomous driving network technology

Huawei’s CloudFabric 3.0 autonomous driving network technology represents an advanced approach to network management and operation within data centres and cloud environments. This technology leverages automation and artificial intelligence to enhance network efficiency, reliability, and agility.

CloudFabric 3.0 uses AI and machine learning to automate network operations, including configuration, management, and optimisation. This reduces the need for manual intervention and helps in predicting and resolving issues before they impact network performance. Besides, the network can automatically detect faults and trigger corrective actions to minimise downtime and ensure continuous service availability.

Huawei CloudFabric 3.0 Hyper-Converged Data Centre Network Solution has significant advantages in aspects of heterogeneous device management, simulation and verification, unified multi-cloud orchestration, network health evaluation, and risk prediction

Kevin Tolly, the founder and CEO of Tolly Group

Selection of networking solutions

ALAAN has recognised the necessity of moving away from legacy systems to fully harness the capabilities of cloud technology. This shift is crucial for optimising performance and ensuring that the infrastructure can meet modern demands effectively. ALAAN has chosen Huawei CloudFabric 3.0 as its networking provider. This decision is driven by the need to address the increasing complexity of networks in cloud datacentres, which require advanced solutions to manage effectively.

According to Kevin Tolly, the founder and CEO of Tolly Group, said: “Huawei CloudFabric 3.0 Hyper-Converged Data Centre Network Solution has significant advantages in aspects of heterogeneous device management, simulation and verification, unified multi-cloud orchestration, network health evaluation, and risk prediction”.

The implementation of ADN offers several advantages, including high levels of automation, self-healing capabilities, and self-optimisation features. These benefits are vital for achieving network self-evolution and autonomy, which are essential for modern datacentre operations.


ALAAN is a public cloud services provider in the Libyan market. It delivers state-of-the-art cloud technologies with high consistency and professional support. ALAAN ensures meeting customers’ needs at a quality level regardless of their demands and tunes these demands in a better shape and beyond their expectations. Customers may seek public, private (on ALAAN or on their premises), or hybrid cloud services, shared or dedicated, all professionally designed, delivered, and hosted on Libyan soil. ALAAN’s team aims to provide datacentre, and private or public cloud services from ground up based on customers’ needs. ALAAN may offer an affordable migration plan from existing on-premises or other cloud stacks to ALAAN its own cloud stack. With ALAAN consistency and support, customers will pay less for more.


Lia Xu

Lia XU is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering tech and AI news. She graduated from Zhejiang normal university. Send tips to

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