Chase wealth planning tool hits 1 million personal plans since launch

  • Chase introduces the Wealth Plan tool on its mobile app and website, offering a comprehensive view of finances and personalized guidance for 54 million retail customers to plan, save, and invest for short-term and long-term goals.
  • The tool includes features like goal tracking, personalized insights, goal simulation, and the ability to schedule meetings with advisors, with 10 million customers already using it successfully in the first year.

JPMorgan Chase says its free Wealth Plan digital money coach has helped customers create more than a million personalised plans in just a year since launch.

Wealth plan offers financial private customisation

Available in the Chase Mobile app and on, Wealth Plan gives the bank’s 54 million retail customers a full picture of their finances and helps them plan, save, and invest.

Users can set and track short-term goals (e.g. a holiday) and long-term goals (e.g. buying a home or retiring) in real-time and receive personalised step-by-step guidance and insights. The Goal Simulator shows clients how different decisions made today will affect their financial future, and clients can also schedule a conversation with an advisor directly through the tool.

Also read: How can AI help with financial management and investment?

The innovative planning tool brought convenience

Chase said that the tool had been popular since the first year it launched. More than 10 million clients use it to update plans, get assistance to stay on track, and get closer to their goals.

Sam Palmer, whose team created Wealth Plan, says: “We know that those who have a plan are much more successful at achieving their goals. So we created a powerful but easy-to-use planning tool to help our clients achieve their dreams.

“Wealth Plan is innovative because it puts planning directly in customers’ hands, wherever and whenever it’s most convenient for them.”


Iris Deng

Iris Deng, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Fintech and Blockchain. She is studying English at Hangzhou Dianzi University. Send tips to

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