Interview with Han Xiao, co-founder of Backrobo Wellness on sleep technology innovations

  • Backrobo Wellness focuses on developing intelligent health products, specifically targeting sleep disorders such as insomnia and snoring.
  • Their innovations include smart mattresses and pillows that address specific sleep issues, incorporating sensors, music, and relaxation techniques.
  • The company’s future directions involve expanding into the medical sector and implementing a shared business model in hotels, integrating AI and smart technology in their products.

In this exclusive interview with BTW Media, Han Xiao, co-founder of Backrobo Wellness, discusses the company’s journey from traditional manufacturing to developing intelligent health products that address sleep disorders. He highlights the unique features of their offerings, including smart mattresses and pillows, and shares insights on future developments, market trends, and the integration of AI in enhancing user experiences.

Q1: Could you introduce yourself and share a bit about your background?

A: Hello everyone, I am Han Xiao, and I am one of the co-founders of Shanghai Backrobo Wellness. We are a team of serial entrepreneurs, and this is our third entrepreneurial venture. Previously, we spent 20 years in traditional manufacturing, primarily focusing on the massage chair market. Our significant project in China, called LEMOBAR, involved shared QR-code payment massage chairs. Backrobo Wellness was established on April 11, 2019, focusing on intelligent health products, specifically in sleep. Our product series includes smart mattresses, smart pillows, and smaller sleep-related products under the brand name Nitetronic.

Q2: Who is your main target audience and customer demographic?

A: Our products address sleep issues, including insomnia, snoring, hypersomnia, and frequent nocturnal awakenings. Our focus is on providing functional solutions for these sleep disorders.

Our best-selling product, the Nitetronic anti-snoring pillow, is designed specifically for individuals who snore without the need for uncomfortable wearables.

Han Xiao, co-founder of Backrobo Wellness

Q3: Can you elaborate on the traditional focus of mattress manufacturers and how your products differ?

A: Traditionally, manufacturers focused on comfort, but younger demographics now require functional products that address issues like insomnia and snoring. Our best-selling product, the Nitetronic anti-snoring pillow, is designed specifically for individuals who snore without the need for uncomfortable wearables.

Q4: What innovations have you made in your mattresses and pillows?

A: Our mattresses range from 2 to 6 cm thick, allowing users to layer them over existing ones. They promote relaxation and include music to aid sleep. We address issues like snoring and temperature with various sensors. Our waking mechanism creates a relaxing scenario to help users rise feeling refreshed.

Q5: What specific technical challenges have you overcome?

A: Comfort is essential, requiring careful material selection and ventilation. Aesthetics also matter, as our mattresses are designed to fit on existing beds. We hold invention patents and have conducted clinical trials, offering a 15-day return policy for our products.

Q6: What are your company’s future development directions?

A: We aim to expand into the medical sector, developing our anti-snoring pillow into a medical device. Additionally, we are implementing a shared business model in hotels with our “Nitetronic AI Deep Sleep Room.”

Q7: What trends do you see in the industry?

A: Our business integrates traditional craftsmanship with smart technology and AI. We encourage interdisciplinary skills among employees and are modularising our operations for greater efficiency.

Our major goal this year is to achieve profitability while preparing for long-term aspirations.

Han Xiao, co-founder of Backrobo Wellness

Q8: What are your short-term and long-term development goals?

A: In the short term, we aim to optimise organisational efficiency and explore various channels for growth. Our major goal this year is to achieve profitability while preparing for long-term aspirations.


Rebecca Xu

Rebecca Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in tech trends. She graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology. Send tips to

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