Huawei takes on Apple with first tri-foldable smartphone

  • Huawei’s new tri-foldable Mate XT smartphone is being hailed in China as a triumph over U.S. sanctions, with nationalistic pride on full display across social media.
  • Despite the excitement surrounding its innovative design, the Mate XT’s high price tag of $2,800 is causing many potential buyers to hesitate amid China’s sluggish economy.

The launch of Huawei’s Mate XT highlights the company’s ability to innovate despite U.S. sanctions, reinforcing its position as a tech leader in China. However, the device’s steep price tag may limit its accessibility to a broader market, especially in a challenging economic environment. While national pride fuels support for Huawei, balancing cutting-edge technology with affordability will be key to its long-term success, especially as it competes with global giants like Apple.

–Zoey Zhu, BTW reporter

What happened

Huawei has officially launched its latest innovation, the Mate XT, marking a significant leap in smartphone technology with its tri-foldable design. Unveiled just hours after Apple introduced its iPhone 16 lineup, the Mate XT is set to go on sale exclusively in China on September 20. Chinese social media erupted with patriotic enthusiasm, with many users seeing the Mate XT as a symbol of Huawei’s resilience and ability to out-innovate global competitors, particularly Apple, despite years of U.S. sanctions. Comments like “Huawei has truly risen again” dominated platforms like Weibo, reflecting a sense of national pride.

Adding to the buzz, a viral video showing Apple store employees in China visiting a Huawei store during the Mate XT launch became a trending topic for hours, amassing millions of views. This growing narrative of Huawei’s comeback follows its return to the 5G smartphone market last year, where it was similarly praised for overcoming U.S. trade restrictions that cut off access to key American technologies.

Also read: Apple faces AI woes as Huawei tri-fold shines

Also read: Huawei’s bold move with tri-fold phone

Why it’s important

While the Mate XT’s technological advancements are undoubtedly impressive, its starting price of 19,999 yuan ($2,800) has sparked criticism. Amid economic uncertainty and sluggish growth in China, many consumers are finding the cost prohibitive. A Weibo poll revealed that the majority of respondents were unwilling to make the purchase, with more than 4,700 citing the steep price as the main factor. This highlights the tension between national pride and financial reality, as ordinary citizens weigh their admiration for Huawei’s technological feats against personal economic constraints.

The Mate XT’s success also symbolises Huawei’s determination to maintain a competitive edge in the global smartphone market, especially following the introduction of its domestically produced semiconductors. However, even with a strong product lineup, including the high-end Pura series, Huawei’s ability to attract average consumers in China could be hindered by the growing financial pressures they face.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to
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