NIC: Building a digital Sudan with advanced ICT solutions

  • National Information Center (NIC) is the government entity responsible for managing the country’s information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure.
  • It oversees data governance, cybersecurity, digital transformation, and IT infrastructure for government agencies.
  • NIC plays a key role in Sudan’s e-government initiatives, promoting the use of digital tools and services in public administration, aiming to enhance efficiency and transparency in governmental operations.

Its goals

The National Information Center (NIC) aims to establish, operate, and manage a national information network adhering to high standards. It seeks to contribute to the development of internet governance systems in cooperation with international bodies. NIC also focuses on formulating policies and strategies to advance the information technology sector and its applications. Additionally, it intends to oversee training and capacity-building programs for government employees and aims to set frameworks for information classification, exchange, and security across various government institutions.

Its services

The National Information Center (NIC) in Sudan provides IT infrastructure, including data centres, networks, and cloud services, to support digital transformation across government departments. NIC has developed various e-government platforms, enabling citizens to access government services online, such as applying for documents, paying taxes, and registering businesses. It is responsible for ensuring the cybersecurity of government data and networks by establishing policies and frameworks to protect digital assets. Additionally, NIC oversees the collection, storage, and processing of government data, facilitating data sharing and management between different agencies. To further the digital transformation of public services, NIC also offers IT training programmes for government employees to enhance their digital skills.

About NIC

The National Information Center (NIC) was established in 1999, supported by an act issued in the same year. In 2010, this act was updated to address newer issues in the field of ICT, expanding the NIC’s role to include consultancy for the government.

The National Information Center (NIC) operates across several key areas, including infrastructure, applications, standards, and the promotion of informatisation. NIC collaborates closely with stakeholders from various government institutions, private sectors, and civil organisations to achieve its objectives.


Tacy Ding

Tacy Ding is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering network. She is studying at Zhejiang Gongshang University. Send tips to

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