8 key differences between manual testing and automation testing

  • In the realm of software testing, two primary methodologies stand out: manual testing and automation testing.
  • The choice between them should be guided by factors such as the project’s size, budget, complexity, and the specific testing needs.

Understanding the differences between manual testing and automation testing is crucial for determining the most effective testing strategy for a project. Both of them have their place in the software development lifecycle. Often, a combination of both approaches—known as a hybrid testing strategy—provides the best results, leveraging the strengths of manual exploration and the efficiency of automated checks to ensure a robust and thorough testing process.

1. Process execution

Manual Testing relies on human testers to execute test cases by interacting with the application, similar to how an end-user would. It involves a hands-on approach to verify the functionality and performance of the software.

Automation Testing, on the other hand, uses specialised software (test automation tools) to execute pre-scripted test cases. This approach requires minimal human intervention once the tests are automated.

2. Time and effort

Manual testing is typically more time-consuming and labour-intensive, as it involves repetitive manual execution of test cases. It can be prone to human error and fatigue, which may impact test results.

Automation testing, after an initial setup and scripting phase, can run tests much faster, reducing the time and effort required for regression testing and large-scale testing.

Also read: What is cloud automation and what are the features?

3. Cost implications

While manual testing may have lower upfront costs due to the absence of tool licensing fees, it can become expensive over time, particularly as the need for repetitive testing grows.

Automation testing involves higher initial costs for licensing tools and developing scripts, but it can lead to cost savings in the long run due to its efficiency and ability to run tests continuously.

4. Accuracy and consistency

Manual testing is susceptible to human errors, such as overlooking defects or inconsistencies in test execution.

Automation testing provides a higher level of accuracy and consistency, as it removes the variability introduced by human testers. Once a script is perfected, it will execute the same way every time.

5. Scalability

Manual testing struggles with scalability; as the application grows, so does the testing effort, which can become unmanageable.

Automation testing excels in scalability, allowing for the easy addition of new test cases and the rapid execution of a large number of tests.

Also read: What is cloud automation and what are its applications?

6. Complexity of test cases

Manual testing is often better suited for complex scenarios or those that require subjective judgement, such as user experience testing.

Automation testing is ideal for simple, repetitive, and data-driven tests. Complex scenarios may require hybrid approaches or advanced automation techniques.

7. Maintenance

Manual tests require less maintenance, as they do not depend on the software’s codebase or external tools.

Automated tests may require ongoing maintenance, especially when the application undergoes updates that could break existing scripts.

8. Return on investment (ROI)

The ROI for manual testing is immediate but may decrease over time due to increasing labour costs and decreasing efficiency.

The ROI for automation testing may take longer to realise due to initial investments but can offer significant long-term benefits in terms of time saved and consistency achieved.


Rebecca Xu

Rebecca Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in tech trends. She graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology. Send tips to r.xu@btw.media.

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