SCPT inspects 2,400 new poles on Katanga’s RN39 route

  • SCPT’s technical delegation, led by senior management, conducted an inspection of 2,400 poles under construction on the Likasi-Kolwezi route.
  • The ongoing project aims to enhance service stability as part of SCPT’s broader reorganisation efforts in the Katanga region.

A technical team from the Société Congolaise des Postes et Télécommunications (SCPT), led by senior officials, carried out an inspection of 2,400 poles under construction along the Likasi-Kolwezi stretch of National Route 39 in Katanga on July 26, 2024.  This inspection is part of the ongoing efforts to modernise and stabilise the region’s telecommunications infrastructure.

Inspection of infrastructure on National Route 39

The SCPT‘s delegation, which included Simon Mampuya, Director BUW, Tim Kambwa, Technical Assistant to the Director General, Eric Bachu, Administrative Assistant to the Director General, and Ir Toto, the Telecom Representative for Katanga, visited the construction site of 2,400 poles on the 120 km stretch of the Likasi-Kolwezi road.  These works are being executed by BATITEK and are a critical part of the SCPT’s infrastructure enhancement efforts in the Katanga region.  The inspection focused on ensuring that the construction met the required standards to support the ongoing reorganisation of services, with an emphasis on cable stability, which is seen as a key element in the anticipated reforms.

The stability of cables is a model encouraged for the reform we are anticipating.

A representative of the SCPT delegation

About SCPT

SCPT is a major player in Congo’s telecommunications landscape.  With a mission to modernise and stabilise the nation’s telecom infrastructure, SCPT is actively involved in projects like the one in Katanga to ensure reliable service delivery across the country.  The inspection of the Likasi-Kolwezi route is part of SCPT’s broader strategy to reorganise its services and enhance infrastructure to better serve its customers.


Jasmine Zhang

Jasmine Zhang is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Fintech. She graduated from Kunming University of Science and Technology. Send tips to

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