Network protocol analysers unlock network insights

  • A network protocol analyser is a tool used to capture and monitor data over communication channels, converting raw data into meaningful protocol sequences for analysis and debugging in embedded systems. 
  • It comes in two forms: hardware-based protocol analysers for capturing packets and debugging complex interfaces, and software-based protocol analysers, also known as network analysers, for analysing LAN and wireless networks.

Network protocol analyser is a device used to capture and monitor data on communication channels, converting the data into an understandable sequence of protocols for engineers to analyse and troubleshoot. It consists of both hardware and software models, with the hardware model being used to capture packets and solve complex interface problems, and the software model focusing on analysing LANs and wireless networks.

What is network protocol analyser

A network protocol analyser is a tool designed to capture, monitor, and analyse network traffic, converting raw data into meaningful protocol sequences to facilitate the understanding and debugging of network communications. It operates using a combination of hardware and software to provide insights into network operations, helping to identify and resolve issues within communication systems.

Also read: Is Ethernet a network protocol? Exploring its capabilities and impact

2 types of network protocol analysers

Network protocol analysers are versatile tools that come in two primary forms: hardware-based and software-based, each serving distinct purposes in network analysis and troubleshooting.

1.Hardware-based protocol analysers: They are specialised devices designed to capture and analyse network traffic at the physical layer. These analysers are equipped with advanced hardware capable of interfacing with various network media, such as Ethernet, fiber optics, or wireless signals. They are particularly useful for capturing high-speed network traffic and are often used in environments where precise timing and detailed analysis of network packets are critical. 

2.Software-based protocol analysers: These tools are designed to capture and analyse network traffic over a network interface, typically using the computer’s network card. Software protocol analysers are more accessible and flexible, allowing users to monitor and analyse network traffic from various network layers, including the application layer. They are widely used for capturing and analysing LAN, wireless network, and internet traffic. These analysers often come with user-friendly interfaces and a range of features such as packet filtering, protocol decoding, and statistical analysis. They are particularly useful for network administrators and IT professionals who need to troubleshoot network issues, monitor network performance, and ensure network security. 

Also read: Is DNS a network protocol? Understanding its role and functionality

Advantages of using the network protocol analysers 

Using a protocol analyser can significantly improve the efficiency of network management and troubleshooting. Firstly, it dramatically reduces development and debugging time. By quickly capturing and analysing complex protocols, engineers can quickly pinpoint and resolve problems, reducing debugging time from months to weeks. In addition, protocol analysers reduce errors when manually capturing and analysing data through built-in software, providing more accurate analysis results, especially when working with large volumes of data.

Many protocol analysers support API integration, allowing engineers to create fully automated test cases that can be run as nightly regression tests, increasing testing efficiency and ensuring that systems are thoroughly validated. Additionally, protocol analysers are able to quickly identify any violations of protocol standards, ensuring that the system is in strict compliance with protocol specifications.


Rae Li

Rae Li is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering IT infrastructure and Internet governance. She graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Send tips to

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