Al Akhawayn University excels in Huawei ‘Seeds for the Future’ regional edition

  • AUI students Achraf Ouhdidou and Rania Jaafar win prestigious Huawei competition.
  • The event featured distinguished guests including Mr. André Azoulay and Huawei Northern Africa Executive VP Jeremy Lin.
  • The winners will represent the region at the global competition in China, with Achraf receiving a scholarship to study in the USA.

Al Akhawayn University (AUI) has achieved significant recognition by winning top honours in the first regional edition of Huawei’s Seeds for the Future programme, held in Essaouira. This prestigious event gathered 150 exceptional young talents from over 17 countries across North, Central, and West Africa, providing a platform for showcasing innovative ideas and technological prowess. AUI’s own Achraf Ouhdidou and Rania Jaafar stood out among the participants, earning them the distinction of representing the region at the global finals in China.

Distinguished guests highlight the event’s significance

The event was graced by several notable figures, including His Majesty the King’s Advisor Mr. André Azoulay, Minister Leila Benali, UNESCO Maghreb Director Eric Falt, and Huawei Northern Africa Executive VP Jeremy Lin. Their attendance not only added prestige to the occasion but also underscored the importance of fostering young talent in the technological field. Their speeches and interactions with participants highlighted the event’s role in promoting regional innovation and international collaboration.

Celebrating AUI’s success and future opportunities

“Moroccan youth embody a nation that has successfully made diversity the driving force of its modernity.”

Audrey Azoulay, King’s Advisor

Achraf Ouhdidou, currently a senior at AUI, has been awarded a competitive scholarship to study in the USA, further enhancing his academic and professional prospects. This recognition reflects the high calibre of students nurtured by AUI and their potential to make significant contributions on a global scale. Mr. Azoulay’s statement that “Moroccan youth embody a nation that has successfully made diversity the driving force of its modernity” encapsulates the essence of AUI’s mission. By fostering such exceptional talent, AUI continues to play a crucial role in advancing the technological landscape of Morocco and the wider MENA region. This accomplishment not only highlights the university’s commitment to excellence but also sets a precedent for future generations of innovators.

About AUI

Al Akhawayn University is an independent, public, not-for-profit, coeducational university in Ifrane, Morocco, 70 km (43 mi) from the imperial city of Fez, in the Middle Atlas Mountains. The medium of instruction is the English language. King Fahd of Saudi Arabia largely funded the creation of Al Akhawayn University from an endowment intended to cleanup an oil spill off the coast of Morocco. The cleanup was never realized as the wind blew the oil spill away and the endowment was used to create the university. Al Akhawayn University was founded by Royal Decree (Dahir) in 1993 and officially inaugurated by the former King Hassan II of Morocco on January 16, 1995. The Arabic name al-akhawayn, literally the “two brothers,” refers to the two respective kings.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to
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