Travel app Sékr offers AI-powered personalised itineraries

  • Sékr, a travel app for outdoor enthusiasts, introduces Copilot, an AI tool for planning road trips.
  • Copilot uses natural language processing and user-generated data to create personalised travel itineraries.
  • The tool aims to help travellers discover unique destinations and experiences, enhancing their road trip planning.

With the help of Sékr, users can save a large amount of time on travelling planning. It is beneficial to improve users’ travelling experience.
Audrey Huang, BTW reporter

Sékr, has launched Copilot, an AI-powered tool designed to enhance road trip planning. Using advanced AI technologies and data generated by users, Copilot helps users create detailed itineraries, including stops for food, camping, and outdoor activities. This update aims to revitalise the app under new leadership, providing a more interactive and tailor-made travel experience for its users.

Sékr launches AI road trip planner

Sékr, known for its services to the “van life” community, has introduced a new AI tool called Copilot. This tool is designed to assist users in planning their road trips more efficiently by using AI and user-generated content. Copilot is integrated into Sékr’s updated app and website, which is accessible to over 100,000 users.

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Enhancing travel experiences with AI

The new AI tool, Copilot, uses natural language processing and data from user reviews to create personalised travel itineraries. It considers both proprietary and publicly available data to suggest unique destinations and experiences. This feature aims to reduce the time spent on planning.

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Accessing Copilot and premium features

Users can access Copilot through the “Trip Planning” tab on Sékr’s website or app. After answering a few questions about their travel preferences, users receive a customizable itinerary. The app offers basic features for free, with premium features available for a monthly subscription of $4.99, including offline maps and unlimited messaging.


Audrey Huang

Audrey Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave. She is interested in AI and startup stories. Send tips to

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