Portugal’s ambitious renewable energy targets: A vision for 2030

  • Portugal is poised to make a significant leap in its renewable energy ambitions,the country plans to boost its share of renewables in electricity consumption to 93% by 2030.
  • Portugal remains dedicated to cutting its emissions by 55% from 2005 levels by 2030, a goal set by the previous administration.

Portugal’s renewable energy ambitions are sky-high, aiming for a 93% share by 2030. That’s a major leap from the 85% target set by the previous government. It’s like Portugal’s saying, “We’re all in on renewables, and we’re going big!” But there’s a catch – the electrolyzer capacity target took a hit, down 45%. It’s like they’re focusing on wind power and forgetting about green hydrogen, which is key for a truly sustainable future. Still, with the new government pushing for investments and energy security, Portugal’s got the wind in its sails. Let’s see if they can navigate these waters smoothly and strike the right balance.
–Miurio huang, BTW reporter

What happened

Portugal is poised to make a significant leap in its renewable energy ambitions. The country plans to boost its share of renewables in electricity consumption to 93% by 2030, according to a draft of its updated energy and climate plan.

This move reflects Portugal’s commitment to accelerating its decarbonisation efforts in response to global energy challenges and climate change imperatives.

Portugal’s updated draft energy plan, outlining strategic goals for the coming decade, aims for a dramatic increase in renewable energy use, targeting a 93% share of electricity consumption by 2030. This ambitious target significantly upgrades the previous 85% goal set by the former socialist government.

The draft also proposes a substantial boost in Portugal’s overall renewable energy capacity, with a target of 42.9 gigawatts (GW) by 2030—double the current capacity. This includes a major expansion in wind power, which will grow to 12.4 GW, featuring 2 GW of offshore wind installations. In 2023, Portugal had 5.9 GW of onshore wind capacity and a small 25-megawatt floating wind project.

However, the draft also signals a reduction in the 2030 target for installed electrolyzer capacity, which is crucial for producing green hydrogen. The proposed target is cut by 45%, reflecting the nascent state of Portugal’s green hydrogen industry, which is still in its early stages of development.

The draft will be publicly available for consultation until September 5 before being sent to parliament for approval. The new centre-right government, which is spearheading this plan, aims to attract investment and enhance the country’s energy security and competitiveness.

Environment and Energy Minister Maria da Graca Carvalho emphasised that the updated plan is designed to combat climate change, secure energy needs, and stimulate economic growth through increased investment.

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Why It’s Important

Portugal’s enhanced renewable energy targets are of significant importance. Firstly, they represent a bold commitment to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Portugal remains dedicated to cutting its emissions by 55% from 2005 levels by 2030, a goal set by the previous administration. Furthermore, the country aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, reinforcing its long-term vision for a sustainable energy future.

The increase in renewable energy capacity will also play a crucial role in enhancing Portugal’s energy security. With European countries grappling with volatile gas prices and energy supply concerns—exacerbated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine—the push towards renewable energy is a strategic move to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. By 2023, renewable utilities already supplied 61% of Portugal’s electricity consumption, making it one of the leaders in Europe in this regard.

Additionally, the updated plan seeks to bolster Portugal’s position in the global energy market. By focusing on renewables and green hydrogen, the country aims to attract investment and foster technological innovation, positioning itself as a competitive player in the evolving energy landscape. This focus aligns with broader European trends where nations are increasingly investing in clean energy solutions to address both economic and environmental challenges.

Portugal’s strategic energy plan for 2030 highlights a substantial commitment to renewable energy, with ambitious goals that reflect both environmental and economic objectives. The draft underscores Portugal’s proactive stance in addressing climate change, ensuring energy security, and positioning itself as a leader in the global renewable energy sector.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to m.huang@btw.media.

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