National Bank of Malawi donates blood bank fridge to Mulanje District Hospital

  • In a significant contribution to healthcare, the National Bank of Malawi has extended support to the Mulanje District Hospital by donating a blood bank fridge valued at K40 million.
  • This donation is aimed at preserving vital blood supplies for various critical patient groups, including cancer patients, women in childbirth, malnourished children, and accident victims.
  • The blood bank fridge will serve as a crucial tool in ensuring the availability of blood for emergency transfusions, playing a pivotal role in saving lives and enhancing healthcare services in the Mulanje community.

National Bank of Malawi plc holds the largest asset base among commercial banks in Malawi. The generous donation of the blood bank fridge is poised to strengthen the hospital’s capacity to provide critical care and medical treatment to those in need, further underscoring the bank’s role as a responsible corporate citizen dedicated to advancing the welfare of the community.

Significance of generous donations

Times 360 Malawi reported last month that National Bank of Malawi has donated a K40 million worth blood bank fridge to Mulanje District Hospital to preserve blood for cancer patients, women in childbirth, malnourished children, and accident victims.

This philanthropic gesture aligns with our core values of corporate social responsibility and reflects our commitment to driving meaningful change and making a difference in the communities we serve.

William Chatsala, Head of the Corporate Banking Division at the bank

William Chatsala, Head of the Corporate Banking Division at the bank, emphasised that the donation underscores the bank’s dedication to supporting transformative initiatives that have a positive impact on the lives of individuals in need. “This philanthropic gesture aligns with our core values of corporate social responsibility and reflects our commitment to driving meaningful change and making a difference in the communities we serve.”

By providing this essential equipment, the National Bank of Malawi exemplifies its dedication to supporting healthcare institutions and prioritising the well-being of patients in need of life-saving blood transfusions. This philanthropic initiative not only underscores the bank’s commitment to corporate social responsibility but also reflects a concerted effort to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals in the Mulanje region.

About National Bank of Malawi

National Bank of Malawi plc was established in 1971 through the merger of Barclays Bank DCO (Dominion Colonial Overseas) and Standard Bank. The latter had its origins in the Republic of South Africa and had a wide presence across Africa. The merger brought together complementary operations, resulting in a nationwide distribution of assets and services.

Today, National Bank of Malawi plc is the leading bank in Malawi, leveraging the experience and expertise gained from Barclays Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. It operates through a network of 32 service centres, as well as a widespread network of 135 ATMs and 812 FastServe Agents, providing convenient access to banking services for customers throughout Malawi.


Rebecca Xu

Rebecca Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in tech trends. She graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology. Send tips to

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