Exclusive interview: How SoiLabs transforms food waste into sustainable solutions

  • SoiLabs, an innovative venture backed by Hafnium Ventures, is revolutionising the food industry by turning food waste into valuable resources. 
  • Their innovative technology focuses on converting okara, a byproduct of soy processing, into high-quality nutrition products. 
  • This article delves into the science behind SoiLabs’ groundbreaking solution, its potential impact on sustainable farming, and its broader implications for a circular economy.

SoiLabs is at the forefront of transforming the food industry by innovatively converting food waste into sustainable resources. The company, backed by Hafnium Ventures, focuses on upcycling okara, a byproduct of soy processing, into high-quality nutritional products. This initiative not only addresses the pressing global issue of food waste—accounting for over one-third of all food produced—but also aligns with the broader mission of promoting sustainability across various sectors, including food, agriculture, cosmetics, and animal nutrition.

Our interviewee is Mauro Catellani, CEO of SoiLabs, who shared insights into the company’s groundbreaking fermentation technology. Mauro emphasised SoiLabs’ commitment to enhancing agricultural practices through their biostimulant, Nutrixia, which supports farmers by increasing crop yields and resilience, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and circular economy in food production.

Q: How does SoiLabs’ technology contribute to reducing food waste and promoting sustainability in various industries?

By upcycling okara, a typically discarded byproduct, SoiLabs is creating a valuable resource that can be used in various applications, from food and agriculture to cosmetics and animal nutrition.

Mauro Catellani, CEO of SoiLabs

SoiLabs’ mission is aligned with the global push for sustainable practices. Their technology addresses the pressing issue of food waste, which accounts for over one-third of all food produced worldwide. By upcycling okara, a typically discarded byproduct, SoiLabs is creating a valuable resource that can be used in various applications, from food and agriculture to cosmetics and animal nutrition.

Q: Could you explain the fermentation process used by SoiLabs and how it transforms okara into various final products?

SoiLabs’ unique approach involves a fermentation process that transforms okara into Soi-X, a versatile intermediate product. This intermediate can be further processed into a range of final products, such as cheese, soup, cookies, and even biostimulants for agriculture. The technology ensures that the resulting products maintain the desired texture,digestibility, and nutritional properties.

Q:What benefits does SoiLabs’ biostimulant product, Nutrixia, provide to farmers and their crops?

SoiLabs’ technology offers significant benefits to farmers. Their biostimulant product, Nutrixia, has been shown to enhance plant growth, increase yields, and improve crop resilience to environmental stressors. This translates into cost savings for farmers while reducing their environmental footprint.

Q:What is SoiLabs’ strategy for scaling its technology and impacting food waste reduction on a global scale?

SoiLabs’ vision extends beyond local markets. By scaling their technology, they aim to make a broader impact on food waste reduction worldwide. 

Mauro Catellani, CEO of SoiLabs

SoiLabs’ vision extends beyond local markets. By scaling their technology, they aim to make a broader impact on food waste reduction worldwide. Their business model focuses on partnering with soy processors and tofu manufacturers to ensure widespread adoption of their solution.

Q:How does SoiLabs’ approach align with the principles of the circular economy, and what impact do you foresee it having on the future of food production?

SoiLabs’ work aligns perfectly with the circular economy model, which emphasises the reuse and recycling of resources. By transforming food waste into valuable products, they contribute to a more sustainable and resilient food system.

SoiLabs’ innovative approach to food waste conversion offers a promising solution to a pressing global challenge. Their technology has the potential to revolutionise sustainable farming practices, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to a more circular economy. As they continue to scale their operations and develop new applications,SoiLabs is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of food production.

A sustainable future through innovation

SoiLabs stands at the forefront of a transformative movement in the food industry, turning food waste into valuable resources and paving the way for a more sustainable future. By harnessing innovative technologies to upcycle okara, the company not only addresses the critical issue of food waste but also enhances agricultural productivity and supports a circular economy. As SoiLabs continues to scale its operations and explore new applications, it is well-positioned to make a lasting impact on sustainable food production and inspire others in the industry to follow suit.


Rae Li

Rae Li is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering IT infrastructure and Internet governance. She graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Send tips to rae.li@btw.media.

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